Back pain and sports: what do you need to know?

Back pain and sports: what do you need to know?

What is Back pain?

According to Dr. Hiteh Garg, back pain, backache, or lumbago (pain in the muscles and joints of the lower back) is a discomfort or pain experienced in the back region, most commonly in the upper back (thoracic region) or lower back (lumbar region). The severity of this common health issue, which can affect people of all ages, ranges from mild to severe pain.

Back pain can be classified into two main types:

Acute Back Pain:

Acute back pain usually develops suddenly and subsides quickly, lasting only a few days to a few weeks. It frequently results from a specific injury, like awkwardly lifting a big object or quickly turning. Muscle strains, ligament sprains, or mild spinal abnormalities can potentially cause acute back discomfort.

Chronic Back Pain:

A three-month or longer period of back discomfort is considered chronic. Herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, osteoarthritis, or other structural problems in the spine are a few examples of conditions that might cause it. Additionally, long-term bad posture, repeated stress injuries, or untreated acute injuries can all contribute to chronic back pain.

Back pain can manifest in various ways, including:

1. Lower back ache that is dull and painful.

2. Sciatica is a sharp, shooting pain that can travel down the legs.

3. Back stiffness and restricted range of motion.

4. Pain that gets worse when you move, bend, or raise.

5. cramps or muscle spasms in the back.

How is back pain related to sports?

Back pain is closely related to sports due to several factors that can put stress on the back during physical activities. While sports offer numerous health benefits, they can also contribute to the development of back pain.

Back pain is a common issue that many athletes and sports enthusiasts experience. It can range from mild discomfort to severe pain, and it may be caused by various factors related to sports participation. Here are some essential things to know about back pain and sports:

1. Causes of Back Pain:

Sports-related back pain can be caused by several factors, including muscle strains, ligament sprains, disc injuries, improper form or technique, overuse, and underlying medical conditions like herniated discs or slip discs, spinal stenosis, or spondylolisthesis. You need to understand these problems and consult with a back pain specialist in India.

2. Overuse and Repetitive Movements:

Certain sports involve repetitive movements or overuse of specific muscles, which can lead to muscle strain and fatigue in the back. Some sports Activities like running, cycling, and golfing are examples of sports that may involve repetitive motions, potentially causing back pain over time.

3. High-Impact Activities:

High-impact sports actions like tackling, jumping, and landing can put a lot of strain on the spine and supporting tissues. Back discomfort can be caused by stress-related ailments such muscle strains, ligament sprains, or even vertebral fractures.

4. Poor Technique or Form:

When playing sports, poor body mechanics and technique can put too much stress on the back. For instance, bad lifting habits when weightlifting or bad posture when playing sports like tennis or baseball might cause back pain.

5. Lack of Warm-up and Stretching:

Failing to warm up adequately before engaging in sports can leave the muscles and ligaments unprepared for intense activity. This lack of preparation can lead to strains and sprains, including those in the back.

6. Impact of Contact Sports:

Contact sports like football, rugby, or martial arts can expose the back to direct hits or tackles, potentially causing injuries to the spine or back muscles.

7. Weak Core Muscles:

A weak core can result in inadequate support for the spine during sports activities, making it more susceptible to injuries and back pain.

8. Sports-Specific Gear and Equipment:

Using improper or poorly fitting sports equipment, such as shoes or gear that lacks adequate support, can lead to postural imbalances and contribute to back pain.

9. Inadequate Rest and Recovery:

Overtraining or not allowing sufficient time for the body to recover after sports activities can lead to muscle fatigue, increasing the risk of injuries, including those to the back.

10. Pre-existing Medical Conditions or Injuries:

Individuals with pre-existing back issues, such as herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, or spinal abnormalities, may experience exacerbated symptoms or new back pain during sports activities.

Although back pain from sports is very common, it’s vital to remember that proper physical exercise (Get advice from the Physiotherapist), when performed appropriately and with the right precautions, can also assist in preventing and treating back discomfort.

The risk of back pain while playing sports can be reduced by performing frequent core-strengthening exercises, maintaining excellent posture, using the proper sports equipment, and getting advice from sports trainers or medical specialists.

Ask Dr. Hitesh Garg during your sports back pain consultation; he will advise the best treatment strategy for your pain.

Follow These Simple Step

  •  STEP 1 : Whatsapp your X-ray films/MRI films along with short history of your complaints to 9958500258
  •  STEP 2 : Get expert opinion by Dr.Hitesh Garg (senior consultant and head of spine surgery at Artemis hospital Gurgaon )
  •  STEP 3 : Fix an Appointment at Center for Spine and Scoliosis, Gurgaon call +91 8377004016
  •  STEP 4 : Life free of pain and disability!

It is crucial to seek medical examination if back pain occurs or persists in order to determine the underlying reason and create a suitable treatment strategy.